Welcome to In the Mind of the Man blog. Here I will try to keep a sort of running diary of my thoughts and experiences about raising a child from a male's point of view. After hearing countless people tell me that her childhood will be over in a Blink of an Eye, I decided to take time to stop and reflect on the day to day mundane activities my daughter and I share. I hope you enjoy reading and sharing in my journey, but most of all I hope my daughter and I enjoy looking back at this blog 20+ years from now and laughing.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Follow ITMOTM on Twitter!

Okay 21st century people, it's time to step it up and follow me on Twitter.
Whether you like it or not, Twitter is here to stay and it is a great way to keep connected - especially to this blog.
If this seems appealing to you, here are a few ways to follow ITMOTM (InTheMindOfTheMan) on Twitter:

1. If you already have an account just sign in and follow @TheMindOfTheMan
2. If you don't have an account click on the Follow me on Twitter link on the left side of this page.  Sign up for an account and search for TheMindOfTheMan and follow.
2a. If you are still confused on how to sign up for a Twitter account, click on this LINK and it will walk you through the steps to sign up for an account.

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