Welcome to In the Mind of the Man blog. Here I will try to keep a sort of running diary of my thoughts and experiences about raising a child from a male's point of view. After hearing countless people tell me that her childhood will be over in a Blink of an Eye, I decided to take time to stop and reflect on the day to day mundane activities my daughter and I share. I hope you enjoy reading and sharing in my journey, but most of all I hope my daughter and I enjoy looking back at this blog 20+ years from now and laughing.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dahlia Jude Tomei
May 19, 2011
7 lbs, 7 oz
20.5 in long


  1. Hallelujah! congratulations you guys, she's beautiful! hope you are all holding up. all the best to you both....

    th' hast spoken right, 'tis true.
    the wheel is come full circle, i am here.
    ~king lear~

  2. Maggie says she is cute!
    Congratulations!! She is well worth the wait!! We can't wait to meet the newest Tomei.

  3. Great news; she sure is a beauty. Welcome to the world Miss Dahlia. Congratulations to you all.

  4. Congratulations! She is beautiful. Can't wait to meet her.

  5. Congratulations! She is gorgeous! Life as you know it will only get better:)
